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Autor: torsten.gericke

07. September 2022 Heads of the straw building

Heads of the straw building

# The newsletter series: What drives our industry and what personal story lies behind each individual actor? This interested us and we are happy to be able to ask our questions to real pioneers and visionaries. In this issue, Christoph Harney, architect of the “Kassel in Transition” project, is our…
20. August 2022 Multi-generation-house in Kassel brings back “straw as a building material”

Multi-generation-house in Kassel brings back “straw as a building material”

In June, LORENZ delivered wall modules for a multi-story residential project in Kassel. The building owner is the cooperative “Kassel im Wandel eG”, which has made it the object of its non-profit status to “promote intergenerational living and working”. Over 80 comrades are working together to develop the goal of…
12. August 2022 The Bavarian Wood Construction Funding Program – Booster for Building with Straw?

The Bavarian Wood Construction Funding Program – Booster for Building with Straw?

On July 21, 2021, the Bavarian state government decided with the government declaration “Climate State of Bavaria” that Bavaria should be climate neutral by 2040. Timber construction should become part of the country’s climate strategy. In the funding guideline “BayFHolz – Bavarian Funding Guideline for Wood”, which was launched in…
04. July 2022 LORENZ with “BIGG” straw counter at the Greentech Festival in Berlin

LORENZ with “BIGG” straw counter at the Greentech Festival in Berlin

Holzständersysteme mit Strohdämmung mit verschiedenen Bautiefen, ideal zum Bauen und zum Dämmen geeignet.
14. April 2022 Prime Minister Söder speaks of straw as “undiscovered gold”.

Prime Minister Söder speaks of straw as “undiscovered gold”.

Ministerpräsident Söder (CSU) erwähnt in seiner Rede die Vorteile von Stroh als Baumaterial. Die Branche wertet dies als wichtigen Meilenstein für die öffentliche Wahrnehmung als klimafreundliches Baumaterial.
07. April 2022 New construction funding for energy-efficient buildings starts again – LORENZ sees product portfolio confirmed

New construction funding for energy-efficient buildings starts again – LORENZ sees product portfolio confirmed

The restart of new construction funding means that LORENZ products meet the stricter standards. With the BMWK’s announcement, the new construction funding that was suspended in January will be reactivated in a new version on April 20, 2022. The changes affect the scope of the funds provided, the individual funding…
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